Friday, April 06, 2007

Make a Mulit-Page PDF in OS X

I apologize for the lack of news updates. I've been busy with college and my internship.

Preview is a great application in OS X that lets you view images, PDFs, and several other file formats. It also lets you do really basic image and file editting. However, unlike Acrobat Professional, it won't let you merge PDF files together to create a multi-page PDF...well, at least not through the GUI. This feature is actually available through Automator for FREE (unlike Acrobat Professional). So, I've created a simple Workflow and saved it as an application. You simply pick the PDF files in the order you'd like them merged and select Continue.

Create Multi-page PDF (125 KB)
(Zip File)

Not sure if it'll run on Intel machines. If not, email me for workflow instructions.

1 comment:

Patrick Braga said...

You can also use Automator to make your own :-) If you use the Spotlight thingy in it, you can combine PDFs. It's really nice.

The Unix Geek